Dr. Nora Rohstock




Migration and Ageing, Intercultal Competence in the health and (geriatric) care sector, Consequences of Demographic Change in Business, Politics and Society, Collective Identity Building porcesses, European Integration  Diversity-Management, Gender and Intergenerational Relations, Foreign Language Trainings and Cross-Cultural Trainings, Empirical  Research Methods.


Contact: nora.rohstock@ssc-europe.eu

CV     Publications


Regional Focus: EU, Germany, Turkey, the Mediterranean


Lectures, Seminars, Trainings, Research and Consulting

 Associate Researcher at the Orient Institute for Intercultural Studies, Hochschule Heilbronn

Lecturer at the Institute for International Business,  Hochschule Heilbronn

Lecturer at the Ludwig-Uhland-Institute for Empirical Cultural Sciences

Lecturer at the SRH- University Heidelberg

Cross-Cultural Trainer and Foreign Language Trainer at Global LT, Englisch nach Maß  et al.


Public Presentation



Nursing Nasredin Hoca - What happened to the positive image of ageing in Turkey?

6th International Social & Applied Gerontology Symposium, Antalya, Turkey


Zwischen Tradition und Altenheim - Altersbilder in der Türkei

Conference oft he Society for Turkology, Osmanistic Studies and Turkish Studies (GTOT), Munich



Alter und Migration in Europa: Ein zeit- und raumübergreifendes Thema im Korsett disziplinärer Grenzen?

Conference of the German Society for Social Anthropology (DGV), Vienna, Austria



Geroanthropology Today

Conference of Oceanists, St. Andrews, Scotland


Seminars, Trainings, Workshops


Leadership Training and Teambuilding for small and medium sized businesses in cooperation with Paidosophos.de


Migration today and yesterday

Workshop for teens on the history of migration and its current challenges for societies; Welthaus, Heidelberg.



Cross-Cultural Communication Trainings and Conflict Management for


Employees and Expatriates with different cultural backgrounds in small and medium sized businesses (CC-Trainings, Foreign Language Trainings).


Turkish, Italian and Afghan migrants in Germany (research and voluntary work).




Employees and Trainees in the Geriatric Care Sector.



Cross-Cultural Trainings and Foreign Language Trainings (German/English) for


ERASMUS Students of all disciplines.


Students of German as a Foreign Language in all levels.


University Lectures in the Social and Cultural Sciences.


University Lectures

Winter 2014/2015


Einführung in Methoden der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaften (B.A), am Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen


Intercultural Business Communication an der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg


Intercultural Business Communication im Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Interkulturelle Studien in Osteuropa (B.A.) Hochschule Heilbronn (Deutsch)


Intercultural Business Communication im Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Interkulturelle Studien (B.A), Hochschule Heilbronn, (English)


Summer 2014


Intercultural Business Communication im Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Interkulturelle Studien in Osteuropa (B.A.) Hochschule Heilbronn (Deutsch)


Intercultural Business Communication im Studiengang Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Interkulturelle Studien (B.A), Hochschule Heilbronn, (English)


Migration und Altern im Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft und Sozialmanagement (M.A.), Hochschule Heilbronn (Deutsch)


Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences im Studiengang Master for International Business and Intercultural Management (M.A.), Hochschule Heilbronn (English)