CV Christoph Schnellbach

Education and training

July 2011

Ph.D. in political science

September 2008 - July 2011

Doctoral student Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the Andrássy University Budapest

Dissertation: Minderheitenpolitik in Ostmitteleuropa im Prozess der EU-Erweiterung (Minority policy in East-Central Europe in the process of EU enlargement)

July 2007

Magister Artium (M.A.) at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich

Thesis: Der neue Terrorismus. Ein transnationales Phänomen aus akteurszentriertenPerspektiven (The new terrorism: a transnational phenomenon from actor-centeredperspectives)

October 2003 - December 2005


European Union Studies Certificate (EUSC)

September 2004 - June 2005


Study visit at University of Bradford (UK)

April 2002 – July 2007

M.A.-studies in political science, European law and social psychology at LMU Munich